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Kenmount Road Campus Students Receive “Pinnacle Awards”

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Pinnacle Awards - 2015 - Academy Canada

On June 3, 2015, the 2015 Pinnacle Awards were held at Memorial University. The Pinnacle Awards are Newfoundland and Labrador’s component of the IABC (International Association of Business Communicators) awards program. The national and international counterparts are the Silver Leaf and Gold Quill Awards. Judging criteria for these awards are aligned to use the same process. One work plan and one work sample can be submitted for all awards.

Pinnacle Awards judging is a rigourous, evaluative process used to measure excellence in communications. This year’s Pinnacle Awards were judged by an independent committee of IABC judges in London, Ontario. The Pinnacle Award of Merit measurement is a minimum mark of 5.25 out of 7. The Pinnacle Award of Excellence measurement is a minimum mark of 5.75 out of 7.

Academy Canada’s Multimedia Graphic Design students were among the recipients at this year’s ceremony. Awards of Merit went to Rochelle O’Brien for Harry Potter and Courage. Cameron Ellsworth for Codzilla. Patrick Burke for Burke’s Hiking Gear and Mike Horlick for MAC Cosmetics. The Award of Excellence went to Blake Moulton for his Cancer Awareness Video. A special thank you to the MMGD instructor Lenny Vineham for all his support and dedication to his students.

Congratulations to all recipients!

Pinnacle Awards - 2015 - Academy Canada

Rochelle O’Brien’s “Harry Potter” poster was one of the Pinnacle Award winning designs.

Pinnacle Awards - 2015 - Academy Canada

Cameron Ellsworth’s Godzilla parody movie poster entitled “Codzilla”.

Pinnacle Awards - 2015 - Academy Canada

Patrick Burke’s “Burke’s Hiking Gear” advertisement poster.

Pinnacle Awards - 2015 - Academy Canada

Mike Horlick’s “MAC Cosmetics” poster wins an “Award of Merit”.

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