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The New Churchill Falls Deal: What it means for trades jobs in NL

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On December 12, 2024, the Newfoundland and Labrador Government, in partnership with the Quebec government, signed a new Memorandum of Understanding to replace the pre-existing 1969 energy deal. This was a monumental moment for Newfoundland and Labrador, as it announced the intentions of both parties to double the capacity of the existing Churchill Falls hydro plant, as well as developing a new facility on Gull Island.  

While Newfoundlanders and Labradorians wait for these projects to be realized, we’re diving into how this new development could affect our job market needs. 

Construction and Maintenance

Firstly, the biggest impact will be the increased demand for construction personnel to both expand the existing facility and develop the new one. According to the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, the combination of these projects will create thousands of construction-related positions.  

Additionally, staffing for the maintenance and operation of these facilities will likely also grow, providing more opportunities for skilled workers in the energy industry.  

Attraction and Opportunity

Beyond the development of the new facilities themselves, the increased energy capacity also opens more doors for additional industries to set up shop in NL. More energy means our province becomes more attractive as a point of investment. Companies will be able to view NL as a not only viable, but fruitful location for business. This also creates more job opportunities across a variety of industries and required skills.  

Influx of Resources

A significant change in this new agreement is the price-point increase that Quebec will be paying for using electricity from our facilities.  

Quebec will now be paying 30 times the price outlined in the old deal. This additional revenue to NL gives our government more resources to continue to develop projects within our province. This could incentive them to invest in the local job market by creating new positions.

While NL watches this agreement come to life, we’ll be waiting on the edge of our seats to train the workers needed to make these projects a reality. This new deal creates vast opportunities for the workforce of our province. If you want to get a head start on your training, you can explore our trades programs, or submit an info request! 

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